Cutting fat from your diet is one of the most important things you can do concerning your digestive health. According to M. Sarah Rosenthal author of 50 Ways to Prevent Colon Cancer "Of all the studies done on cancer and dietary fat, the strongest connections can be made between high fat diets and colon cancer." You can help reduce your risk of colon cancer by reducing fat in your diet. You don't have to cut out fat completely, just begin making some substitutions gradually.
Ms. Rosenthal offers some great fat cutting tips:
- Whenever you refrigerate foods containing animal fat (soups, stews, or curry dishes), skim the fat from the top before reheating and re-serving. I do that all the time with chicken soup and it doesn't affect the flavor at all. You can also buy a gravy skimmer to help remove fat from liquids. A gravy skimmer is usually a plastic cup where the spot pours from the bottom which helps the oils and fats to coagulate on top.
- Substitute something else for butter: yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese, or, at dinner just dip your bread into olive oil with some garlic. With sandwiches use mustard, yogurt, salsa, pickle relish etc. to substitute for mayonnaise. .
- Powdered low fat milk can used in place of milk or cream. If you feel you will compromise on taste - just substitute half of the recipe. In other words if you need two cups of milk, use one cup of skim and one cup of regular.
- Try having a fruit recipe for dessert once in awhile. There are some fabulous sorbets and low fat yogurts in all sorts of exotic flavors in the grocery stores now.
- Season low-fat foods well. That way, you won't miss the flavor fat adds. I find those spices that come in the bottle that has a grinder built in are very flavorful..
- Lower-fat protein comes from vegetable sources (whole grains and bean products): higher-fat protein comes from animal sources.
- Broil, grill or boil meat instead of frying, baking or roasting it. (If you drain fat and cook in water, baking/roasting is fine.).
- Trim off all visible fat from meat before and after cooking.
- Adding flour, bread crumbs, or other coating to lean meat adds fat.
- Try substituting low-fat turkey meat for red meat.
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